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Your Inner Writing Mentor is Calling: Listen Even When the To-Do List Feels Endless

June 14, 20245 min read

The Writer's Quest: Writing Through the Mental Load with the Elephant Deck

This blog post is the first in a 12 part series.

elephant mentor

Series Title: The Writer's Quest: Writing Through the Mental Load with the Elephant Deck


Every hero (and yes that is you) needs a guide, especially when Your Inner Critic Teams Up with the Laundry Monster. That's where my series, "Elephant Card of the Month" comes in.

Each month, I'll draw a card from my Elephant deck based on the Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell. These cards aren't about predicting the future, but about tapping into the archetypes and hidden truths within our own writerly quests. Think of them as signposts along the path, especially when the mental load fog makes it hard to see the way forward.

This series is about finding practical inspiration within the cards and applying it to our busy lives. 

The Really Simple Ritual

Each month, I'll share the "Card of the Month."  My card drawing process is simple: A quick shuffle while my morning coffee brews, then I draw. It's a reminder that even in snatched moments, we can find a sliver of guidance.

Your Invitation

Here's where this gets fun! Sign up below and get your own ONE-page PDF with the 12 cards.

Up Next: This Month's Card! Meeting the Mentor

elephant deck

Reframing the Struggle: Tapping into Your Inner Mentor Amidst the Chaos

Needing help isn't a weakness, it's part of how stories work, both fictional and in real life. If even Luke Skywalker needed Yoda, it's okay to admit you need your own version of that, internally and externally. But what if I told you that your most powerful mentor isn't someone you need to schedule a call with, or even leave the house to find?

Your Most Powerful Ally is Closer Than You Think: Meet Your Inner Mentor

The truth is, you carry a wellspring of wisdom, courage, and creativity within you. The problem is, the mental load has a way of drowning it out. This post is about learning to hear that inner mentor's voice again, even amidst the beautiful chaos of your life.

Why the "Inner Mentor" Matters (Especially When You're Juggling Everything)

  • Always Accessible: No squeezing in calls between errands, no guilt about carving out "me time" when the chores are calling. Your inner mentor is there even in snatched 5-minute breaks.

  • Tailored to YOU: Your inner mentor knows your unique strengths (those vivid descriptions, the dialogue that crackles...) and your specific fears (plot holes, finishing that draft...). They offer the support you need most.

  • The Ultimate Self-Care: Listening to your inner mentor isn't selfish, it's an act of replenishment. Permission to nurture your creative side eases the mental load in the long run.

Listen to your Inner Mentor and . . .

  • Let your inner mentor help you realize the jumble of ideas isn't a sign of failure, but of abundant creativity.

  • Let your inner mentor guide you in prioritizing those ideas, choosing one to focus on rather than feeling paralyzed by all the possibilities.

  • Let your inner mentor move you from scattered to structured:

  • Let yourself talk through three of these ideas with your inner mentor and see which feels most exciting right now.

  • Let your inner mentor help you see that the goal at this stage isn't a flawless outline, but simply exploration.

  • Let a project just BE messy for a while. That's growth too.

  • Let your inner mentor offer you emotional support

But My Inner Mentor Sounds a Lot Like My Inner Critic...

Absolutely fair! Especially when the mental load is screaming, it can be hard to tell the difference. Here's a hint:

  • Inner Critic: Harsh, focused on failure, uses those chores as ammunition ("You'll never focus with this mess!") Makes you want to give up.

  • Inner Mentor: Nurturing yet honest, focused on growth, sees beyond temporary setbacks. Makes you want to try again, even if it's just a small step.

My inner mentor sounds a lot like my younger self – reminding me of the pure joy that first sparked my love of writing. However my younger self thought it was about finding THE answer. My older self has learned it is about asking better questions. And asking better questions made me realize how much untapped knowledge I already have.

Ready to tap into your knowledge bank? Here's your challenge:

  • Write down ONE piece of writing wisdom you know deep down.

  • What's ONE small action you'll take this week to listen to your inner mentor more closely? Maybe it's 10 minutes of guilt-free journaling, or simply rereading a favorite passage to remember the joy.

Here are a few resources designed for busy writers like you:

  • Free PDF: I've created a one page PDF with the 12 elephant cards to guide you towards your own Writer's quest. [GET IT HERE]

    elephant printable


  • Journal Prompts: Questions like "What made writing FUN before life got so busy?" can spark powerful insights.

  • Celebrate Tiny Wins: Edited a page during dinner prep? Nailed a character's voice while folding laundry? Your inner mentor wants you to own those victories!

Your inner mentor is a constant source of support and guidance, always ready to help you overcome challenges and reach your full creative potential. By cultivating a deeper connection with this wise and compassionate voice, you'll transform your writing journey from a struggle into a joyful exploration. Happy writing!

mentorinner mentororacle deckelephantswriting tipsmental load
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My name is Betina and I am a writer and the creator of Writingdates. I am a multipassionate gemini and always guided by the love of stories.

I write to ground and connect. I write to fly and soar free.

I write because of beauty, truth, freedom and love


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old rose elephant

Your Inner Writing Mentor is Calling: Listen Even When the To-Do List Feels Endless

June 14, 20245 min read

The Writer's Quest: Writing Through the Mental Load with the Elephant Deck

This blog post is the first in a 12 part series.

elephant mentor

Series Title: The Writer's Quest: Writing Through the Mental Load with the Elephant Deck


Every hero (and yes that is you) needs a guide, especially when Your Inner Critic Teams Up with the Laundry Monster. That's where my series, "Elephant Card of the Month" comes in.

Each month, I'll draw a card from my Elephant deck based on the Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell. These cards aren't about predicting the future, but about tapping into the archetypes and hidden truths within our own writerly quests. Think of them as signposts along the path, especially when the mental load fog makes it hard to see the way forward.

This series is about finding practical inspiration within the cards and applying it to our busy lives. 

The Really Simple Ritual

Each month, I'll share the "Card of the Month."  My card drawing process is simple: A quick shuffle while my morning coffee brews, then I draw. It's a reminder that even in snatched moments, we can find a sliver of guidance.

Your Invitation

Here's where this gets fun! Sign up below and get your own ONE-page PDF with the 12 cards.

Up Next: This Month's Card! Meeting the Mentor

elephant deck

Reframing the Struggle: Tapping into Your Inner Mentor Amidst the Chaos

Needing help isn't a weakness, it's part of how stories work, both fictional and in real life. If even Luke Skywalker needed Yoda, it's okay to admit you need your own version of that, internally and externally. But what if I told you that your most powerful mentor isn't someone you need to schedule a call with, or even leave the house to find?

Your Most Powerful Ally is Closer Than You Think: Meet Your Inner Mentor

The truth is, you carry a wellspring of wisdom, courage, and creativity within you. The problem is, the mental load has a way of drowning it out. This post is about learning to hear that inner mentor's voice again, even amidst the beautiful chaos of your life.

Why the "Inner Mentor" Matters (Especially When You're Juggling Everything)

  • Always Accessible: No squeezing in calls between errands, no guilt about carving out "me time" when the chores are calling. Your inner mentor is there even in snatched 5-minute breaks.

  • Tailored to YOU: Your inner mentor knows your unique strengths (those vivid descriptions, the dialogue that crackles...) and your specific fears (plot holes, finishing that draft...). They offer the support you need most.

  • The Ultimate Self-Care: Listening to your inner mentor isn't selfish, it's an act of replenishment. Permission to nurture your creative side eases the mental load in the long run.

Listen to your Inner Mentor and . . .

  • Let your inner mentor help you realize the jumble of ideas isn't a sign of failure, but of abundant creativity.

  • Let your inner mentor guide you in prioritizing those ideas, choosing one to focus on rather than feeling paralyzed by all the possibilities.

  • Let your inner mentor move you from scattered to structured:

  • Let yourself talk through three of these ideas with your inner mentor and see which feels most exciting right now.

  • Let your inner mentor help you see that the goal at this stage isn't a flawless outline, but simply exploration.

  • Let a project just BE messy for a while. That's growth too.

  • Let your inner mentor offer you emotional support

But My Inner Mentor Sounds a Lot Like My Inner Critic...

Absolutely fair! Especially when the mental load is screaming, it can be hard to tell the difference. Here's a hint:

  • Inner Critic: Harsh, focused on failure, uses those chores as ammunition ("You'll never focus with this mess!") Makes you want to give up.

  • Inner Mentor: Nurturing yet honest, focused on growth, sees beyond temporary setbacks. Makes you want to try again, even if it's just a small step.

My inner mentor sounds a lot like my younger self – reminding me of the pure joy that first sparked my love of writing. However my younger self thought it was about finding THE answer. My older self has learned it is about asking better questions. And asking better questions made me realize how much untapped knowledge I already have.

Ready to tap into your knowledge bank? Here's your challenge:

  • Write down ONE piece of writing wisdom you know deep down.

  • What's ONE small action you'll take this week to listen to your inner mentor more closely? Maybe it's 10 minutes of guilt-free journaling, or simply rereading a favorite passage to remember the joy.

Here are a few resources designed for busy writers like you:

  • Free PDF: I've created a one page PDF with the 12 elephant cards to guide you towards your own Writer's quest. [GET IT HERE]

    elephant printable


  • Journal Prompts: Questions like "What made writing FUN before life got so busy?" can spark powerful insights.

  • Celebrate Tiny Wins: Edited a page during dinner prep? Nailed a character's voice while folding laundry? Your inner mentor wants you to own those victories!

Your inner mentor is a constant source of support and guidance, always ready to help you overcome challenges and reach your full creative potential. By cultivating a deeper connection with this wise and compassionate voice, you'll transform your writing journey from a struggle into a joyful exploration. Happy writing!

mentorinner mentororacle deckelephantswriting tipsmental load
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