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light pink elephant

The Temptations of the Comfort Zone

August 17, 20246 min read

This blog post is the second in a 12 part series.

pink elephant

Series Title: The Writer's Path: Writing Through Overwhelm with the Elephant Deck

The very simple ritual.

When Your Inner Critic Teams Up with the Laundry Monster Every hero (and yes that is you) needs some extra inspiration. That's where my series, "Elephant Card of the Month" comes in.

Each month, I'll draw a card from my Elephant deck based on the Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell. These cards aren't about predicting the future, but about tapping into the archetypes within our own writerly quests. Think of them as signposts along the path, especially when the mental load fog makes it hard to see the way forward.

My card drawing process is simple: A quick shuffle while my morning coffee brews, then I draw.

Up Next: This Month's Card! Refusal of the Call

card for refusal of the call

The card reads: The elephant hesitates before its journey. Pause to seek the courage within. It's the moment to break free from self-made chains.  A whisper stirs within - It is time to take the first step.

Introduction: Refusal of the Call

Last month, we explored the empowering card of "Meeting the Mentor," a symbol of guidance on the creative path. But what happens when we hesitate to embrace that inner mentor when the call to write is met with resistance?

This week's card, "Refusal of the Call," speaks to this universal experience of hesitation.

In storytelling, the "Refusal of the Call" is a pivotal moment where the protagonist hesitates or outright rejects the adventure or challenge they're presented with. This resistance often stems from fear, self-doubt, or a desire to remain in their comfort zone.

Similarly, on the writing journey, we often encounter our own "Refusal of the Call." The mental load of daily life, the fear of failure, or the belief that our stories aren't worth telling can keep us from embracing the writer's path. This blog post explores these common roadblocks and guidance for overcoming them.

It's easy to get caught up in the familiar routines that offer a sense of control, to listen to the voice in our heads that whispers, "You don't have time for this." The mental load of responsibilities can create powerful chains that bind us to our comfort zones.

The first time I went to a tarot reader the eight of swords showed up in my reading. The Rider Waite version shows a blindfolded woman tied up. I was asked to look closer and the take-away was that the woman in the illustration would easily be able to remove both the blindfold and chains. It was only her beliefs that kept her trapped.

She told me I was free to break free. I could acknowledge my hesitation, and offer myself the self-compassion of taking a first small step.

1. Pause to Seek the Courage Within

Just as the elephant in the card pauses before its journey, we too need moments of stillness to gather our strength and seek the courage within. It's in these pauses that we can:

  • Reframe Hesitation: Recognize that hesitation is not a failure but a natural part of the creative process. It allows us to gather our thoughts, confront our fears, and prepare for the journey ahead.

  • Seek Courage Within: Identify the inner resources and support systems that can help us. Remember the mentors we've met along the way, both real and symbolic, who believe in our abilities.

  • Break Free from Self-Made Chains: Challenge the limiting belief. It's time to rewrite the narrative.

2. Take the First Step

The call to write is a persistent whisper, urging us to step onto the path of self-expression. It's time to:

  • Recognize the Call: Pay attention to the subtle signs that your creative spirit is yearning to be heard. It could be a fleeting idea or a sudden burst of inspiration.

  • Take the First Step: No matter how small, take that initial action towards your writing goals. Open a new document, jot down a few lines, or dedicate 5 minutes to write.

  • Cultivate Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout the process. Celebrate every victory, no matter how small, and remember that the journey is as important as the destination.

From Hesitation to Hero's Journey

Remember, the hero's journey often begins with refusal. It's the moment of doubt, the internal struggle, that ultimately leads to growth.

Embrace the pause, find your courage, and take that first step.

What activities do you turn to when you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed? How do these activities impact your creative energy?To make it more tangible follow the weekly prompts below.

Week 1 | Intentions: Confronting the Comfort Zone

Let's start by acknowledging the allure of the familiar. It's easy to get caught up in routines that offer a sense of control amidst the chaos. But what are we sacrificing by staying within these comfortable confines?

  • Binge-watching your favorite shows: It's a tempting escape, but it can also drain your creative energy.

  • Scrolling endlessly through social media: While it connects us, it can also fuel comparison and self-doubt.

  • Saying "yes" to every request: People-pleasing can leave you with little time for yourself.

Say or write this out | I recognize that some of my habits while comforting, may be hindering my writing progress. By committing to this small but meaningful action, I reclaim my creative spark and honor my desire to write. My intention for this week is to step outside my comfort zone and dedicate at least 15 minutes each day to writing, even if it feels uncomfortable or unfamiliar.

Week 2 | Action: The Power of "No"

This week, let's practice setting boundaries and prioritizing our creative needs. Choose one thing that doesn't serve your writing goals and politely decline. It could be an extra commitment, a time-consuming chore, or even that nagging inner critic telling you you're not good enough.

Remember, saying "no" to something else is saying "yes" to your creative self.

Week 3 | Expansion: Writing Meets...

Let's infuse your writing with fresh inspiration! Choose an activity you enjoy—yoga, walking in nature, listening to music—and dedicate 30 minutes to it. As you engage in this activity, pay attention to your senses, emotions, and thoughts. Afterward, spend a few minutes freewriting about your experience.

This exercise not only sparks creativity but also helps you reconnect with your unique voice and perspective.

Week 4 | Completion: Embracing the Cycle

As you wrap up this initial journey, remember that the creative process is not linear. There will be moments of flow and moments of resistance. It's okay to feel rusty, to doubt your abilities, or to worry that your stories aren't interesting enough.

Embrace these feelings as part of the journey. And for now, set one small, achievable writing goal for next week. It could be writing for 15 minutes each day, completing a short story, or simply brainstorming ideas.


As we conclude the exploration of the "Refusal of the Call," remember that this is one step on the journey.

The path of a writer is rarely a straight one. It's paved with moments of doubt, detours of distraction, and the ever-present pull of the familiar. But within those moments of hesitation lies the seed of new stories. Let's listen to the elephant:

The elephant hesitates before its journey. Pause to seek the courage within. It's the moment to break free from self-made chains.  A whisper stirs within - It is time to take the first step.

Keep the momentum going. Set that small writing goal for next week, and

Until next time, happy writing!

Here's where this gets fun! Sign up below and get your own ONE-page PDF with the 12 cards and follow a long.

printable elephant


oracle deckelephantswriting tipsmental loadrefusal of the callcomfort zonewriterspathwritingjourney
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My name is Betina and I am a writer and the creator of Writingdates. I am a multipassionate gemini and always guided by the love of stories.

I write to ground and connect. I write to fly and soar free.

I write because of beauty, truth, freedom and love


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light pink elephant

The Temptations of the Comfort Zone

August 17, 20246 min read

This blog post is the second in a 12 part series.

pink elephant

Series Title: The Writer's Path: Writing Through Overwhelm with the Elephant Deck

The very simple ritual.

When Your Inner Critic Teams Up with the Laundry Monster Every hero (and yes that is you) needs some extra inspiration. That's where my series, "Elephant Card of the Month" comes in.

Each month, I'll draw a card from my Elephant deck based on the Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell. These cards aren't about predicting the future, but about tapping into the archetypes within our own writerly quests. Think of them as signposts along the path, especially when the mental load fog makes it hard to see the way forward.

My card drawing process is simple: A quick shuffle while my morning coffee brews, then I draw.

Up Next: This Month's Card! Refusal of the Call

card for refusal of the call

The card reads: The elephant hesitates before its journey. Pause to seek the courage within. It's the moment to break free from self-made chains.  A whisper stirs within - It is time to take the first step.

Introduction: Refusal of the Call

Last month, we explored the empowering card of "Meeting the Mentor," a symbol of guidance on the creative path. But what happens when we hesitate to embrace that inner mentor when the call to write is met with resistance?

This week's card, "Refusal of the Call," speaks to this universal experience of hesitation.

In storytelling, the "Refusal of the Call" is a pivotal moment where the protagonist hesitates or outright rejects the adventure or challenge they're presented with. This resistance often stems from fear, self-doubt, or a desire to remain in their comfort zone.

Similarly, on the writing journey, we often encounter our own "Refusal of the Call." The mental load of daily life, the fear of failure, or the belief that our stories aren't worth telling can keep us from embracing the writer's path. This blog post explores these common roadblocks and guidance for overcoming them.

It's easy to get caught up in the familiar routines that offer a sense of control, to listen to the voice in our heads that whispers, "You don't have time for this." The mental load of responsibilities can create powerful chains that bind us to our comfort zones.

The first time I went to a tarot reader the eight of swords showed up in my reading. The Rider Waite version shows a blindfolded woman tied up. I was asked to look closer and the take-away was that the woman in the illustration would easily be able to remove both the blindfold and chains. It was only her beliefs that kept her trapped.

She told me I was free to break free. I could acknowledge my hesitation, and offer myself the self-compassion of taking a first small step.

1. Pause to Seek the Courage Within

Just as the elephant in the card pauses before its journey, we too need moments of stillness to gather our strength and seek the courage within. It's in these pauses that we can:

  • Reframe Hesitation: Recognize that hesitation is not a failure but a natural part of the creative process. It allows us to gather our thoughts, confront our fears, and prepare for the journey ahead.

  • Seek Courage Within: Identify the inner resources and support systems that can help us. Remember the mentors we've met along the way, both real and symbolic, who believe in our abilities.

  • Break Free from Self-Made Chains: Challenge the limiting belief. It's time to rewrite the narrative.

2. Take the First Step

The call to write is a persistent whisper, urging us to step onto the path of self-expression. It's time to:

  • Recognize the Call: Pay attention to the subtle signs that your creative spirit is yearning to be heard. It could be a fleeting idea or a sudden burst of inspiration.

  • Take the First Step: No matter how small, take that initial action towards your writing goals. Open a new document, jot down a few lines, or dedicate 5 minutes to write.

  • Cultivate Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout the process. Celebrate every victory, no matter how small, and remember that the journey is as important as the destination.

From Hesitation to Hero's Journey

Remember, the hero's journey often begins with refusal. It's the moment of doubt, the internal struggle, that ultimately leads to growth.

Embrace the pause, find your courage, and take that first step.

What activities do you turn to when you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed? How do these activities impact your creative energy?To make it more tangible follow the weekly prompts below.

Week 1 | Intentions: Confronting the Comfort Zone

Let's start by acknowledging the allure of the familiar. It's easy to get caught up in routines that offer a sense of control amidst the chaos. But what are we sacrificing by staying within these comfortable confines?

  • Binge-watching your favorite shows: It's a tempting escape, but it can also drain your creative energy.

  • Scrolling endlessly through social media: While it connects us, it can also fuel comparison and self-doubt.

  • Saying "yes" to every request: People-pleasing can leave you with little time for yourself.

Say or write this out | I recognize that some of my habits while comforting, may be hindering my writing progress. By committing to this small but meaningful action, I reclaim my creative spark and honor my desire to write. My intention for this week is to step outside my comfort zone and dedicate at least 15 minutes each day to writing, even if it feels uncomfortable or unfamiliar.

Week 2 | Action: The Power of "No"

This week, let's practice setting boundaries and prioritizing our creative needs. Choose one thing that doesn't serve your writing goals and politely decline. It could be an extra commitment, a time-consuming chore, or even that nagging inner critic telling you you're not good enough.

Remember, saying "no" to something else is saying "yes" to your creative self.

Week 3 | Expansion: Writing Meets...

Let's infuse your writing with fresh inspiration! Choose an activity you enjoy—yoga, walking in nature, listening to music—and dedicate 30 minutes to it. As you engage in this activity, pay attention to your senses, emotions, and thoughts. Afterward, spend a few minutes freewriting about your experience.

This exercise not only sparks creativity but also helps you reconnect with your unique voice and perspective.

Week 4 | Completion: Embracing the Cycle

As you wrap up this initial journey, remember that the creative process is not linear. There will be moments of flow and moments of resistance. It's okay to feel rusty, to doubt your abilities, or to worry that your stories aren't interesting enough.

Embrace these feelings as part of the journey. And for now, set one small, achievable writing goal for next week. It could be writing for 15 minutes each day, completing a short story, or simply brainstorming ideas.


As we conclude the exploration of the "Refusal of the Call," remember that this is one step on the journey.

The path of a writer is rarely a straight one. It's paved with moments of doubt, detours of distraction, and the ever-present pull of the familiar. But within those moments of hesitation lies the seed of new stories. Let's listen to the elephant:

The elephant hesitates before its journey. Pause to seek the courage within. It's the moment to break free from self-made chains.  A whisper stirs within - It is time to take the first step.

Keep the momentum going. Set that small writing goal for next week, and

Until next time, happy writing!

Here's where this gets fun! Sign up below and get your own ONE-page PDF with the 12 cards and follow a long.

printable elephant


oracle deckelephantswriting tipsmental loadrefusal of the callcomfort zonewriterspathwritingjourney
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