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dream journal

Intuitive Dreaming for Writers with free Dream Journal template

April 05, 20243 min read

Dream Journal printable


In this post |

  • Why I as a writer have decided to keep a dream journal

  • + a free Dream Journal template printable

I started this year by wanting to keep a dream journal again. I  haven’t been paying much attention to my dreams since I got my daughter, mainly because I don't remember them due to interrupted sleep. Now that she is older, I have begun to recall my dreams in the morning again. But as with everything else, I will forget them if I don't write them down. And if I write them down, they become an important part of my creative writing practice.

Writing down intuitive dreams

In an older post, I write about how I got the idea for my first character in a dream. Perhaps it is no coincidence that I want to pick up my dream journal again now I am writing a novella with the same protagonist.

Another reason I want to turn to my dream journal again is that I am tuning in to my intuition again. It has always been a natural part of life for me to listen to that extra voice/feeling/sense/nudging, but when overwhelm gets the better of me, I squelch the inclination to pay attention. Because of this lack of attention, my creativity and well-being suffer. So, I am trying to tune in again, and one of the ways I have decided to do this is by writing down my dreams and listening for clues.

Intuition and synchronicity were at play leading up to writing this blog post. I wanted to write about my plan to use a dream journal again, but even picking a journal seemed overwhelming. Then I had a dream about a cat with its front paws injured, and the same day, I got a new journal from a good friend with jaguars on it. I now had the journal and a dream to write down, and I ended up using, the dream in the new novella I am writing.

Dream journal template for writers

I am using my new notebook with the jaguars on it, but I made a printable from the template I use when writing down my dreams. You can download it right under this how-to-use tutorial.

Intuitive Dream Journal Template

1. Intuitive journal entry page

A wind-down ritual helps me to remember my dreams. That is why the first page is a page to free journal any intuitive insights before going to sleep.

2. Dream journal page

The next page is where the actual writing down the dream happens.

  • Dream Description: Describe the dream in detail. Include characters, settings, emotions, and significant details.

  • Emotions/Mood: Describe the prevailing emotions in the dream. Write a short sentence about the mood.

  • Symbols/Themes: Identify symbols that felt intuitively significant. Perhaps make a doodle or drawing.

  • Intuition Insights: Note any intuitive feelings or nudges you experienced during the dream. It could be a sense of knowing, gut feelings, or strong intuitive reactions to certain dream elements.

3. Intuitive dreaming for writing

The final page is where you draw insights from your dream into your creative writing. Consider how you might incorporate insights from the four boxes into storylines, character development, or themes.

Actionable Insights Based on your intuitive reflections, note any actionable insight or intention you want to carry forward from the dream. This could include specific writing goals, areas to explore creatively, or turning it into a writing prompt.

printable dream journal pages



I hope this will inspire you as a writer to also write down your dreams. Use a dream journal or try the template. It will help to develop your intuition, and your creativity will benefit from all the insights your dreams carry. If you already do write down your dreams please share in the comments how it benefits your writing. I would love to hear to keep my momentum going:)
My dream from last night was laden with symbols. Ice was melting, and the water was flowing again. I take it as a sign that my intuition is waking up. Now I look forward to where it will take me and my writing.

dream journal
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My name is Betina and I am a writer and the creator of Writingdates. I am a multipassionate gemini and always guided by the love of stories.

I write to ground and connect. I write to fly and soar free.

I write because of beauty, truth, freedom and love


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dream journal

Intuitive Dreaming for Writers with free Dream Journal template

April 05, 20243 min read

Dream Journal printable


In this post |

  • Why I as a writer have decided to keep a dream journal

  • + a free Dream Journal template printable

I started this year by wanting to keep a dream journal again. I  haven’t been paying much attention to my dreams since I got my daughter, mainly because I don't remember them due to interrupted sleep. Now that she is older, I have begun to recall my dreams in the morning again. But as with everything else, I will forget them if I don't write them down. And if I write them down, they become an important part of my creative writing practice.

Writing down intuitive dreams

In an older post, I write about how I got the idea for my first character in a dream. Perhaps it is no coincidence that I want to pick up my dream journal again now I am writing a novella with the same protagonist.

Another reason I want to turn to my dream journal again is that I am tuning in to my intuition again. It has always been a natural part of life for me to listen to that extra voice/feeling/sense/nudging, but when overwhelm gets the better of me, I squelch the inclination to pay attention. Because of this lack of attention, my creativity and well-being suffer. So, I am trying to tune in again, and one of the ways I have decided to do this is by writing down my dreams and listening for clues.

Intuition and synchronicity were at play leading up to writing this blog post. I wanted to write about my plan to use a dream journal again, but even picking a journal seemed overwhelming. Then I had a dream about a cat with its front paws injured, and the same day, I got a new journal from a good friend with jaguars on it. I now had the journal and a dream to write down, and I ended up using, the dream in the new novella I am writing.

Dream journal template for writers

I am using my new notebook with the jaguars on it, but I made a printable from the template I use when writing down my dreams. You can download it right under this how-to-use tutorial.

Intuitive Dream Journal Template

1. Intuitive journal entry page

A wind-down ritual helps me to remember my dreams. That is why the first page is a page to free journal any intuitive insights before going to sleep.

2. Dream journal page

The next page is where the actual writing down the dream happens.

  • Dream Description: Describe the dream in detail. Include characters, settings, emotions, and significant details.

  • Emotions/Mood: Describe the prevailing emotions in the dream. Write a short sentence about the mood.

  • Symbols/Themes: Identify symbols that felt intuitively significant. Perhaps make a doodle or drawing.

  • Intuition Insights: Note any intuitive feelings or nudges you experienced during the dream. It could be a sense of knowing, gut feelings, or strong intuitive reactions to certain dream elements.

3. Intuitive dreaming for writing

The final page is where you draw insights from your dream into your creative writing. Consider how you might incorporate insights from the four boxes into storylines, character development, or themes.

Actionable Insights Based on your intuitive reflections, note any actionable insight or intention you want to carry forward from the dream. This could include specific writing goals, areas to explore creatively, or turning it into a writing prompt.

printable dream journal pages



I hope this will inspire you as a writer to also write down your dreams. Use a dream journal or try the template. It will help to develop your intuition, and your creativity will benefit from all the insights your dreams carry. If you already do write down your dreams please share in the comments how it benefits your writing. I would love to hear to keep my momentum going:)
My dream from last night was laden with symbols. Ice was melting, and the water was flowing again. I take it as a sign that my intuition is waking up. Now I look forward to where it will take me and my writing.

dream journal
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