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The comeback Journal

May Musings & June Jumpstart: A Writer's Reflection & Summer Solstice Plan.

May 31, 20246 min read

May Musings & June Jumpstart: A Writer's Reflection & Summer Solstice Writing Adventure.

May was a whirlwind of new ideas for the blog which meant a hold on my other writing projects.

Maybe you also found yourself overflowing with ideas but struggled to find the time to write. No matter where you found yourself in May, it's time to turn the page to June with renewed energy and a rekindled passion for writing.

In this post we will reflect of our writing journey in May introducing The Comeback Journal and then turn the page to June with a free monthly calender printable.

The Comeback Journal - your new writers journal

The Comeback Journal is any journal or notebook you choose to be your daily companion. It is not about perfection or publication; it's about the sheer delight of putting pen to paper. Perhaps life's demands—work, family, or simply the common march of time—have dimmed your creative pursuits a bit. Within these pages you will give yourself permission to explore again. I encourage you to ask these two questions:

◦ "What could spark my creativity today?" (Brainstorm ideas, explore possibilities.)

◦ "What sparked my creativity today?" (Celebrate those moments, big or small.)

How to Use Your Comeback Journal and connect with your creative self

Here's how to make the most of it:

  • Daily Check-In: Each day, set aside a few minutes to write in your journal. There are no rules, just let your thoughts flow freely.

  • Ask the Questions: Reflect on the two prompts:

    ◦ "What could spark my creativity today?" (Brainstorm ideas, explore possibilities.)

    ◦ "What sparked my creativity today?" (Celebrate those moments, big or small.)

  • Explore, Don't Censor: Write down anything that comes to mind, even if it seems silly or unrelated. Follow your curiosity and see where it leads.

  • Embrace Imperfection: This journal is not about perfect grammar or polished prose. It's about capturing your creative energy and thoughts.

  • Experiment: Doodle, sketch, or create lists. Let your imagination run wild!

  • Be Kind to Yourself: Remember, this is a journey of rediscovery. There's no pressure to produce a masterpiece every day. Simply show up and connect with your creative self.

  • Look Back and Learn: Review your journal entries periodically. Notice patterns, recurring themes, and moments of inspiration. This can help you identify what sparks your creativity and what you're passionate about writing.

This Comeback Journal is your daily companion. Let it be a source of comfort and inspiration.

Notes from and for the Comeback Journal: Reflections on May

Let's take a moment to reflect on May's writing journey. Grab your Comeback Journal and consider these questions:

• What sparks of inspiration did I capture in May?

• What emotions surfaced? Did any emotions surface that I could explore in my writing?

• Did I experiment with any new styles or genres? Did I step outside my comfort zone?

• What progress did I make? What small wins did I achieve? Did I write more consistently?

• What sparked my creativity in May? What sights, sounds, tastes, experiences or books ignited my imagination

By revisiting your notes, you gain valuable insights into your creative process and identify patterns that can inform your writing in June.

Here are some of what inspired me in May:

◦ A Facebook post about Sarah Jessica Parker telling how her mother encouraged her to bring a book whenever they left the house

Apple Never Falls both the series and the book

◦ The local artist Solodka

◦ Creating a scavenger hunt for my daughters birthday party

I finish of the month of May strong with celebrating my birthday which leaves me excited to enter June.

Summer Solstice Scribbles

June brings the warmth of summer and the longest days of the year. This month is filled with sunshine and outdoor adventures that begs to be captured on the page.

Turning the Page to June: The Summer Solstice entries

June is a time of light, and abundance The Summer Solstice, on June 21st, marks the longest day of the year and a powerful symbol of renewal (speaking of renewal check out this blog post). Let's harness this energy with a special kind of journal entries:

Your Summer Solstice Entries: Embrace the Light, Abundance, and Adventure

Let's harness the energy of the Summer Solstice with these journal prompts:

These entries are dedicated to capturing the essence of summer and using its energy to fuel your writing. Here's how to use the Summer Solstice for entries in your Comeback Journal:

Embrace the Light:

• Summer Playlist: Create a playlist of songs that evoke the feeling of sunlight and warmth. Write a short reflection on how music captures the essence of summer.

• Sensory Walk: Take a walk during the "golden hour" (sunrise or sunset) and jot down sensory details in your journal. Use these details to craft a poem or descriptive passage.

Explore Abundance:

• Gratitude List: Make a list of all the things you're grateful for in your writing life (e.g., supportive friends, inspiring books, a comfortable writing space).

• "Overflowing Ideas" Brainstorm: Let your imagination run wild and brainstorm a list of writing ideas without censoring yourself. Choose one to develop further.

• "Abundance Manifesto": Write a personal manifesto about what abundance means to you as a writer?

Seek Adventure:

• Map Your Journey: Create a visual map of your writing journey. Include milestones and detours. Reflect on how far you've come and where you're headed.

• "Choose Your Own Adventure" Story: Write a short interactive story with multiple choices, allowing you to navigate your own new adventure.


• Create a Summer Bucket List: Brainstorm a list of things you want to experience this summer. Include writing goals alongside other personal aspirations.

• Solstice Reflection Ritual: Light a candle and reflect on the balance of light and shadow.

The Adventure:

1. Embrace the Light:

You feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, invigorating your senses.

Do you:

  • A) Create a Summer Solstice playlist filled with songs that evoke sunshine and warmth?

  • B) Take a "Golden Hour" sensory walk, noting the sights, sounds, and smells of nature at its most vibrant?

2. Explore Abundance:

The world is overflowing with inspiration. What will you capture in your words?

Do you:

  • A) Create a Gratitude List for your writing life, acknowledging the blessings that fuel your creativity?

  • B) Unleash an "Overflowing Ideas" brainstorm, letting your imagination run wild on the page?

  • C) Craft an "Abundance Manifesto," declaring your intentions for attracting abundance in your writing journey?

3. Seek Adventure:

The path ahead is yours to create. Where will your words take you?

Do you:

  • A) Map Your Writing Journey, visualizing the milestones, detours, and destinations of your creative path?

  • B) Write a "Choose Your Own Adventure" story, guiding a character through a world of endless possibilities?

  • C) Embark on a Character Quest, following a fictional hero or heroine on a transformative adventure?

4. Celebrate:

The Summer Solstice is a time for reveling in the present moment and setting intentions for the future. How will you celebrate your writing journey?

Do you:

  • A) Craft a Summer Bucket List for your writing life, outlining goals and aspirations for the season ahead?

  • B) Conduct a Solstice Reflection Ritual, honoring the balance of light and shadow in your writing and life?

Choose your own adventure, and may the light of the Summer Solstice illuminate your creative path!

Your June Writing Invitation

Choose the promtps and adventures you want to make time for and turn your pen towards the fresh possibilities of June.

June printable calendar


The Comeback Journalsummer solsticeMay reviewJune Planningjournaling
Back to Blog

My name is Betina and I am a writer and the creator of Writingdates. I am a multipassionate gemini and always guided by the love of stories.

I write to ground and connect. I write to fly and soar free.

I write because of beauty, truth, freedom and love


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The comeback Journal

May Musings & June Jumpstart: A Writer's Reflection & Summer Solstice Plan.

May 31, 20246 min read

May Musings & June Jumpstart: A Writer's Reflection & Summer Solstice Writing Adventure.

May was a whirlwind of new ideas for the blog which meant a hold on my other writing projects.

Maybe you also found yourself overflowing with ideas but struggled to find the time to write. No matter where you found yourself in May, it's time to turn the page to June with renewed energy and a rekindled passion for writing.

In this post we will reflect of our writing journey in May introducing The Comeback Journal and then turn the page to June with a free monthly calender printable.

The Comeback Journal - your new writers journal

The Comeback Journal is any journal or notebook you choose to be your daily companion. It is not about perfection or publication; it's about the sheer delight of putting pen to paper. Perhaps life's demands—work, family, or simply the common march of time—have dimmed your creative pursuits a bit. Within these pages you will give yourself permission to explore again. I encourage you to ask these two questions:

◦ "What could spark my creativity today?" (Brainstorm ideas, explore possibilities.)

◦ "What sparked my creativity today?" (Celebrate those moments, big or small.)

How to Use Your Comeback Journal and connect with your creative self

Here's how to make the most of it:

  • Daily Check-In: Each day, set aside a few minutes to write in your journal. There are no rules, just let your thoughts flow freely.

  • Ask the Questions: Reflect on the two prompts:

    ◦ "What could spark my creativity today?" (Brainstorm ideas, explore possibilities.)

    ◦ "What sparked my creativity today?" (Celebrate those moments, big or small.)

  • Explore, Don't Censor: Write down anything that comes to mind, even if it seems silly or unrelated. Follow your curiosity and see where it leads.

  • Embrace Imperfection: This journal is not about perfect grammar or polished prose. It's about capturing your creative energy and thoughts.

  • Experiment: Doodle, sketch, or create lists. Let your imagination run wild!

  • Be Kind to Yourself: Remember, this is a journey of rediscovery. There's no pressure to produce a masterpiece every day. Simply show up and connect with your creative self.

  • Look Back and Learn: Review your journal entries periodically. Notice patterns, recurring themes, and moments of inspiration. This can help you identify what sparks your creativity and what you're passionate about writing.

This Comeback Journal is your daily companion. Let it be a source of comfort and inspiration.

Notes from and for the Comeback Journal: Reflections on May

Let's take a moment to reflect on May's writing journey. Grab your Comeback Journal and consider these questions:

• What sparks of inspiration did I capture in May?

• What emotions surfaced? Did any emotions surface that I could explore in my writing?

• Did I experiment with any new styles or genres? Did I step outside my comfort zone?

• What progress did I make? What small wins did I achieve? Did I write more consistently?

• What sparked my creativity in May? What sights, sounds, tastes, experiences or books ignited my imagination

By revisiting your notes, you gain valuable insights into your creative process and identify patterns that can inform your writing in June.

Here are some of what inspired me in May:

◦ A Facebook post about Sarah Jessica Parker telling how her mother encouraged her to bring a book whenever they left the house

Apple Never Falls both the series and the book

◦ The local artist Solodka

◦ Creating a scavenger hunt for my daughters birthday party

I finish of the month of May strong with celebrating my birthday which leaves me excited to enter June.

Summer Solstice Scribbles

June brings the warmth of summer and the longest days of the year. This month is filled with sunshine and outdoor adventures that begs to be captured on the page.

Turning the Page to June: The Summer Solstice entries

June is a time of light, and abundance The Summer Solstice, on June 21st, marks the longest day of the year and a powerful symbol of renewal (speaking of renewal check out this blog post). Let's harness this energy with a special kind of journal entries:

Your Summer Solstice Entries: Embrace the Light, Abundance, and Adventure

Let's harness the energy of the Summer Solstice with these journal prompts:

These entries are dedicated to capturing the essence of summer and using its energy to fuel your writing. Here's how to use the Summer Solstice for entries in your Comeback Journal:

Embrace the Light:

• Summer Playlist: Create a playlist of songs that evoke the feeling of sunlight and warmth. Write a short reflection on how music captures the essence of summer.

• Sensory Walk: Take a walk during the "golden hour" (sunrise or sunset) and jot down sensory details in your journal. Use these details to craft a poem or descriptive passage.

Explore Abundance:

• Gratitude List: Make a list of all the things you're grateful for in your writing life (e.g., supportive friends, inspiring books, a comfortable writing space).

• "Overflowing Ideas" Brainstorm: Let your imagination run wild and brainstorm a list of writing ideas without censoring yourself. Choose one to develop further.

• "Abundance Manifesto": Write a personal manifesto about what abundance means to you as a writer?

Seek Adventure:

• Map Your Journey: Create a visual map of your writing journey. Include milestones and detours. Reflect on how far you've come and where you're headed.

• "Choose Your Own Adventure" Story: Write a short interactive story with multiple choices, allowing you to navigate your own new adventure.


• Create a Summer Bucket List: Brainstorm a list of things you want to experience this summer. Include writing goals alongside other personal aspirations.

• Solstice Reflection Ritual: Light a candle and reflect on the balance of light and shadow.

The Adventure:

1. Embrace the Light:

You feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, invigorating your senses.

Do you:

  • A) Create a Summer Solstice playlist filled with songs that evoke sunshine and warmth?

  • B) Take a "Golden Hour" sensory walk, noting the sights, sounds, and smells of nature at its most vibrant?

2. Explore Abundance:

The world is overflowing with inspiration. What will you capture in your words?

Do you:

  • A) Create a Gratitude List for your writing life, acknowledging the blessings that fuel your creativity?

  • B) Unleash an "Overflowing Ideas" brainstorm, letting your imagination run wild on the page?

  • C) Craft an "Abundance Manifesto," declaring your intentions for attracting abundance in your writing journey?

3. Seek Adventure:

The path ahead is yours to create. Where will your words take you?

Do you:

  • A) Map Your Writing Journey, visualizing the milestones, detours, and destinations of your creative path?

  • B) Write a "Choose Your Own Adventure" story, guiding a character through a world of endless possibilities?

  • C) Embark on a Character Quest, following a fictional hero or heroine on a transformative adventure?

4. Celebrate:

The Summer Solstice is a time for reveling in the present moment and setting intentions for the future. How will you celebrate your writing journey?

Do you:

  • A) Craft a Summer Bucket List for your writing life, outlining goals and aspirations for the season ahead?

  • B) Conduct a Solstice Reflection Ritual, honoring the balance of light and shadow in your writing and life?

Choose your own adventure, and may the light of the Summer Solstice illuminate your creative path!

Your June Writing Invitation

Choose the promtps and adventures you want to make time for and turn your pen towards the fresh possibilities of June.

June printable calendar


The Comeback Journalsummer solsticeMay reviewJune Planningjournaling
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