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The Temptations of the Comfort Zone

The Temptations of the Comfort Zone

Refusal of the card | Remember, resistance is natural. There will be future "calls" to answer. Be prepared for the ebb and flow. And for now what's one small creative goal you can set for next week? ...more

Life of a writer

August 17, 20246 min read

Your Inner Writing Mentor is Calling:  Listen Even When the To-Do List Feels Endless

Your Inner Writing Mentor is Calling: Listen Even When the To-Do List Feels Endless

Writing Guilt vs. Writing Guidance: Finding the Help You Deserve. Your Inner Writing Mentor is Calling: Listen Even When the To-Do List Feels Endless. ...more

Life of a writer

June 14, 20245 min read

From Laundry Pile to Creative Renewal: Finding Inspiration in Small Moments

From Laundry Pile to Creative Renewal: Finding Inspiration in Small Moments

Discover how to turn everyday moments into creative fuel and overcome writer's block with playful prompts and guilt-free writing sessions. ...more

Life of a writer ,Writing practice

May 17, 20245 min read

The September Strangeness of Beginnings

The September Strangeness of Beginnings

Cultivate a beginner's mind this September. ...more

Life of a writer

September 01, 20234 min read

The Wingspan of a Writer

The Wingspan of a Writer

The abruption (aka family vacation time) from a peaceful daily writing rhythm calls for tranquility amidst the commotion. The owls takes flight in stealth mode out of the round hole at the gable end.... ...more

Life of a writer

July 14, 20232 min read

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