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The Creative Comeback Journal October

The Creative Comeback Journal for October

October 01, 20245 min read

September Reflections and October entries for the Creative Comeback Journal: 90 day challenge

It is time to review the writing journey from September and turn the page to October. In this post I introduced the idea of the Comeback Journal for writers. Heading into the last quarter of the year I want to amp up the use of the Comeback Journal so that we are ready for a new journal experience in 2025. That is why the October section of this blog post will consist of the first seven days of the FREE 90 day comeback journal challenge

But first some September reflections.

Notes from the Comeback Journal: Reflections on September

Let's take a moment to reflect on the writing journey in September. Grab your Journal and consider these questions:

What sparks of inspiration did I capture in September?

• What emotions surfaced? Did any emotions surface that I could explore in my writing?

• Did I step outside my comfort zone in any ways?

• What progress did I make? What small wins did I achieve? Did I write more consistently?

• What ignited my imagination

By revisiting your notes, you gain valuable insights into your creative process and identify patterns that can inform your new adventures for October and the last quarter of the year.

Here are some of what inspired me in September:

  • Visiting Tivoli in Copenhagen and the Zoo

  • Taking up playing Magic (MTG) again

  • Driving an electric car for the first time

  • Harvest time

  • Visiting a viking museum

  • Studying for my masters in Theology

  • I bought a new Oracle Deck

. . . and inspired by the choose your own adventure (YOA) part of the blog post last month:

  • Visit the library

  • Read a classic - Moby dick

  • Play around with the idea of a literary magazine 

  • Brainstorm my mystery at the sea novella

  • Write a poem

  • Catch up on Oscar winners from the categories Writing - adapted screenplay and Writing - original screenplay

  • Make a reading list for Q4 based on the Flowergames - Marigold: Comfort, Rituals and Guidance

Turning the Page to October: The Creative Comeback Journal entries

First a sneak peek of the first month of the 90 day challenge. October is all about laying a strong foundation.

Week 1 | We'll begin by delving into your past writing experiences, uncovering both the moments of joy and the challenges that may have dimmed your enthusiasm.

Week 2 | Next, we'll celebrate your unique writing identity. We'll explore voice, style, and strengths, while also pinpointing areas for growth.

Week 3 | As we move forward, we'll confront the common writing blocks and learn how to navigate them with confidence.

Week 4 | Finally, we'll set clear intentions and goals for your writing journey.

So, grab your favorite pen! And try the first week of the Creative Comeback Journal Challenge.

And make sure to sign-up here for the whole FREE challenge

Week 1: Reflecting on Your Writing Journey

Week 2: Exploring Your Writing Identity

Week 3: Identifying Your Writing Blocks

Week 4: Setting Intentions & Goals

Week 1: Rediscovering Your Writing Mojo - Choose Your Own Adventure

This week, we're diving deep into your writing past and reigniting that spark. Each day, you'll have a fun choice to make, leading you on a unique writing adventure. Let's get started!

Day 1: Time Travel

  • Choice A: Dig up an old piece of writing and read it aloud. Cringe, laugh, or be amazed at your past self!

  • Choice B: If you can't find anything old, write a letter to your younger self about your writing dreams.

Day 2: Victory Lap

  • Choice A: Share your proudest writing moment on insta with the hashtag #Creativecomebackjournal.

  • Choice B: Write a detailed account of your proudest writing moment in your journal. Relive the joy and accomplishment!

Day 3: Block Party

  • Choice A: Vent about your biggest writing block in a hilarious rant. Exaggerate, be dramatic, and let it all out!

  • Choice B: Draw a picture or create a collage representing your writing block. Get creative and express your frustration visually.

Day 4: Vision Board Bonanza

  • Choice A: Create a physical vision board using magazine clippings, photos, and other inspiring visuals.

  • Choice B: Create a digital vision board using Pinterest or a similar platform.

Day 5: Muse Hunt

  • Choice A: Go for a nature walk and take note of anything that inspires you. Write a short poem or description based on your observations.

  • Choice B: Visit a new coffee shop or bookstore and people-watch. Create a fictional character based on someone you see.

Day 6: Voice Memos Galore

  • Choice A: Record yourself reading a piece of your writing aloud. Listen back and analyze your tone, pacing, and overall delivery.

  • Choice B: Interview yourself about your writing process and goals. Record your answers and listen back for insights.

Day 7: Fear Face-Off

  • Choice A: Write down your writing fears on slips of paper, then ceremoniously burn them or tear them up.

  • Choice B: Write a humorous dialogue between you and your fears. Let your fears voice their concerns, and then respond with witty comebacks.

Remember, there's no right or wrong choice. Follow your intuition and have fun exploring your writing journey! At the end of each day, reflect on your experience and write down any insights or discoveries in your journal.

Your October Writing Invitation

You can use the monthly calendar below for the Creative Comeback Journal Challenge or just to keep up with your writingdates.

Happy Writing!

October calendar


The Comeback Journaljournaling
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My name is Betina and I am a writer and the creator of Writingdates. I am a multipassionate gemini and always guided by the love of stories.

I write to ground and connect. I write to fly and soar free.

I write because of beauty, truth, freedom and love


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The Creative Comeback Journal October

The Creative Comeback Journal for October

October 01, 20245 min read

September Reflections and October entries for the Creative Comeback Journal: 90 day challenge

It is time to review the writing journey from September and turn the page to October. In this post I introduced the idea of the Comeback Journal for writers. Heading into the last quarter of the year I want to amp up the use of the Comeback Journal so that we are ready for a new journal experience in 2025. That is why the October section of this blog post will consist of the first seven days of the FREE 90 day comeback journal challenge

But first some September reflections.

Notes from the Comeback Journal: Reflections on September

Let's take a moment to reflect on the writing journey in September. Grab your Journal and consider these questions:

What sparks of inspiration did I capture in September?

• What emotions surfaced? Did any emotions surface that I could explore in my writing?

• Did I step outside my comfort zone in any ways?

• What progress did I make? What small wins did I achieve? Did I write more consistently?

• What ignited my imagination

By revisiting your notes, you gain valuable insights into your creative process and identify patterns that can inform your new adventures for October and the last quarter of the year.

Here are some of what inspired me in September:

  • Visiting Tivoli in Copenhagen and the Zoo

  • Taking up playing Magic (MTG) again

  • Driving an electric car for the first time

  • Harvest time

  • Visiting a viking museum

  • Studying for my masters in Theology

  • I bought a new Oracle Deck

. . . and inspired by the choose your own adventure (YOA) part of the blog post last month:

  • Visit the library

  • Read a classic - Moby dick

  • Play around with the idea of a literary magazine 

  • Brainstorm my mystery at the sea novella

  • Write a poem

  • Catch up on Oscar winners from the categories Writing - adapted screenplay and Writing - original screenplay

  • Make a reading list for Q4 based on the Flowergames - Marigold: Comfort, Rituals and Guidance

Turning the Page to October: The Creative Comeback Journal entries

First a sneak peek of the first month of the 90 day challenge. October is all about laying a strong foundation.

Week 1 | We'll begin by delving into your past writing experiences, uncovering both the moments of joy and the challenges that may have dimmed your enthusiasm.

Week 2 | Next, we'll celebrate your unique writing identity. We'll explore voice, style, and strengths, while also pinpointing areas for growth.

Week 3 | As we move forward, we'll confront the common writing blocks and learn how to navigate them with confidence.

Week 4 | Finally, we'll set clear intentions and goals for your writing journey.

So, grab your favorite pen! And try the first week of the Creative Comeback Journal Challenge.

And make sure to sign-up here for the whole FREE challenge

Week 1: Reflecting on Your Writing Journey

Week 2: Exploring Your Writing Identity

Week 3: Identifying Your Writing Blocks

Week 4: Setting Intentions & Goals

Week 1: Rediscovering Your Writing Mojo - Choose Your Own Adventure

This week, we're diving deep into your writing past and reigniting that spark. Each day, you'll have a fun choice to make, leading you on a unique writing adventure. Let's get started!

Day 1: Time Travel

  • Choice A: Dig up an old piece of writing and read it aloud. Cringe, laugh, or be amazed at your past self!

  • Choice B: If you can't find anything old, write a letter to your younger self about your writing dreams.

Day 2: Victory Lap

  • Choice A: Share your proudest writing moment on insta with the hashtag #Creativecomebackjournal.

  • Choice B: Write a detailed account of your proudest writing moment in your journal. Relive the joy and accomplishment!

Day 3: Block Party

  • Choice A: Vent about your biggest writing block in a hilarious rant. Exaggerate, be dramatic, and let it all out!

  • Choice B: Draw a picture or create a collage representing your writing block. Get creative and express your frustration visually.

Day 4: Vision Board Bonanza

  • Choice A: Create a physical vision board using magazine clippings, photos, and other inspiring visuals.

  • Choice B: Create a digital vision board using Pinterest or a similar platform.

Day 5: Muse Hunt

  • Choice A: Go for a nature walk and take note of anything that inspires you. Write a short poem or description based on your observations.

  • Choice B: Visit a new coffee shop or bookstore and people-watch. Create a fictional character based on someone you see.

Day 6: Voice Memos Galore

  • Choice A: Record yourself reading a piece of your writing aloud. Listen back and analyze your tone, pacing, and overall delivery.

  • Choice B: Interview yourself about your writing process and goals. Record your answers and listen back for insights.

Day 7: Fear Face-Off

  • Choice A: Write down your writing fears on slips of paper, then ceremoniously burn them or tear them up.

  • Choice B: Write a humorous dialogue between you and your fears. Let your fears voice their concerns, and then respond with witty comebacks.

Remember, there's no right or wrong choice. Follow your intuition and have fun exploring your writing journey! At the end of each day, reflect on your experience and write down any insights or discoveries in your journal.

Your October Writing Invitation

You can use the monthly calendar below for the Creative Comeback Journal Challenge or just to keep up with your writingdates.

Happy Writing!

October calendar


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